Writer’s block meets procrastination

One of the tools I use to promote and build my Alexander practice is to write about the Technique. I have many years of newsletters and blog posts that offer practical, experiential tools so readers can explore using Alexander Technique concepts.

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I have had “write blog” on my to-do list for weeks, yet I haven’t managed to complete a single blog post. I have been unable to overcome my inertia enough to get 250 to 500 words on the page.

The Alexander Technique is a tool to observe and change habits that are not serving us. I find it unhelpful and unproductive to label habits “good” or “bad”. Instead, I consider what outcome I want and how best I might get that outcome. It comes down to desire and wishing.

Getting a blog post completed will feel great, and I know that. If I was helping one of my students overcome her writers block, I would use the Alexander Technique.

I would probably tell her to start writing about writer’s block, to help her gain awareness of what’s happening. That is the first step: awareness.

Then, I would recommend she pause and give herself time to get fully present to the experience of writer’s block.

Then, I would invite her to start sending her Alexander Directions, to facilitate a more beneficial relationship within her head/neck/spine. After giving herself time to repeat the directions (“I allow my neck to be free, to allow my head to release forward and up, to allow my knees to release forward and away”), I would invite her to revisit the idea of writing.

What might she want to say in a blog, given the process of working with writer’s block?

If nothing comes to mind, I would invite her to go through the whole process again. Awareness (what’s happening?); inhibition (pause to get fully present); direction (optimizing the relationship of her head/neck/spine.)

If her writer’s block doesn’t relent, we can try something else. In the meantime, she is likely more poised and calm from working on the process.

Or, she may find something to write about, like I did.